Tuesday, January 04, 2011

big mistake in my life

Hi today is one of the sad day of my life where my friend misunderstood me for the situation which happened 2 years back where I was there while that incident took place and without my knowledge my hand is also there in that thing ,first I will tell u what happened today ,when I am chatting to my surprise my old school friend came to online and recently I came to know her mail id and I sent her friend request and she accepted it and today she came online and I asked her do u remember me and she told ya and she asked how are u and told congrats for getting selected in Infosys and then I told fine and asked her how are the rest of our friends how’s her studies are going on asked her phone no and she told that she doesn’t have a phone till now and I gave her my cell no and told her to call me anytime without fail and in the mean while I observed that she doesn’t want to chat with me and she hates me and I remembered  the past history which brought for me a bad remark on my behavior and now I am going to tell the incident detailed ,me staying in Bangalore is not aware of the things happened in vij and during the vacation I went to my home for enjoying and I met sivakumar who is a friend of me from my first class and some more friends from my school and one day I got a call from Siva Kumar asking me to come out side as our school sir came to meet us and I went to the place Siva told and all are waiting for me and I went and greeted my sir and he gave one weeding  invitation on which my name is written and he told me u are my special student u need to come to my weeding without fail and siva kumar and u all come together without fail and he is our special English sir who is our favorite sir and then he left from there so the marriage is 3 days after the day sir met us so siva told me that pd will arrange one car for the journey and they will inform me when we will start and that day evening I got a call from my another friend Praveen who is a special English student and he asked me whether we can meet anywhere ,so I said sure and told that I will come to your place in the evening and call him and I went and met him and he asked what are the plans for the marriage and I told I don’t know about those things and he asked do u want to meet our past friends and I told ya I have seen them long back and he dialed chandanas no and gave the phone to me and I told hi and she is happy to hear my word and she asked me how u came to know my no and I told Praveen is with me he called and gave to me and she at a sudden told me don’t call me again I don’t want to talk to u and kept the phone and I am surprised with it  and next he took me to another girls house and I went inside and asked if she there, again to my surprise  they told there is no girl with that name in that house  and we came back till that time I didn’t realize what happened ,and the next day I and siva kumar went out to buy a gift for the sirs weeding and on that day also Praveen called me four times and I always told him I don’t know when we are starting  and on the day of the marriage I went to Siva Kumar’s house and from there we need to start  in a car and aditya came in a bike and some more friends came with us and then the car came and I got in to the car and  then with two more bikes we started and in the middle we went to Benz circle and stopped there for some time and then sahitya came there and we started our journey and in the middle we got down at two temples and prayed there and after 2 hours of journey we reached to the church where sir is going to get married and we went and meat the sir and wished him and also there are some teachers of our school who came to marriage and we chatted with the for some time and then Siva came and told we need to move away from that place and then before the marriage we went and gifted the things to sir and we left from there and there first Siva and aditya left first with two bikes and then we came back in  car and they went fast and we are alone and then two more bikes came from the back and they are Sivas friends ,I don’t know from where these people came and why they came and then we went in another route and while we are going from the far we observed Praveen and some more friends of him are going to marriage in 4 bikes with some though people and then we went fast and after some time Siva and aditya joined us and at last we reached Vijayawada and we dropped sahitya again at Benz circle and  she told  he will go away from there she don’t want us to know her house and srikant and others left and we went to Siva Kumar’s house and  then I left to my house and had my food in my home and in the afternoon I went to net center for checking my mails and after some time I got a call from my home and my mother asked me where are u and I told the place and I asked why do u want and she told some of my friends came and they want to meet me it seems and then I kept off my phone and after five min Praveen and some more people in 5 bikes came there will be approx 15 people in which I know 4 people in them and then Praveen came and asked  me where is sahityas house I told I don’t know ,she got down at Benz circle and she went away and then he asked to call her and ask her  to come out and I told I will not call and then they pleaded then also I said know then other people came and seriously told will u call her or not and then I called her and asked where are u ?,can u come out or not ?then she scolded me did ur brain got mad I will not come and kept the phone and I told this that she will not come and then Siva Kumar called  me asked  me did u get mental ,where are u ?,I told the place and he told he will come there in 5 min be there only and after five min  nearly 15 more people came  there and Siva scolded me whether are u on their side , I told no and then  Siva shouted  on Praveen don’t u have manners are u a man or buffalo why are u torturing girls  and then I am understanding what is going on and first that stupid proposed shruthi and she got no then he harassed her and then he proposed sahitya and she is afraid of coming to vij and attend the marriage and she somehow managed to escape and I am caught in this and then the chasing starts and then after so much time of pleading, Siva Kumar did not tell when she will be leaving and where she is now so then Praveen left that place and then he gave the girls photo to every one of his friends and told them to go and search everywhere and told them to follow her where she goes so one of his friend saw her in the bus stand and she is going to Hyderabad ,Praveen told him to follow her till her house and he told he will give the money later so he got the ticket and went and sat in that bus and started to follow her and here in vij Praveen thought of taking revenge on Siva, if Siva is not there will be no one there to help her so, on that day night while Siva is going alone he kept some people and attacked Siva . and I came to know about this and  then I went and met Siva and told sorry about the things happen and told I am on his side and I will help and then told him to call them and then ask them whether everything is fine there ,Siva called sahithya and asked is there any problem there and Siva told that Praveen is planning to take revenge on u and be care full and observe the surroundings and don’t be in your house and be in a safe place and then I asked is there any evidence to make those people get arrested ,Siva told not there and I thought of helping him by providing him with evidence so I went away in search of some of the Praveen friends my plans Is to record their words and give it as a evidence to police so I went on to search and at last got them and used a high class technology things to track their movement and in one place I kept one camera and one voice recorder with me and one place I stopped them and then started to ask them who did this and where is Praveen at present and what are his plans and what is he going to do now and in the mean while I kept tracking tools to their bikes and  they felt that I can’t do anything and they first scolded me for being in the middle and then in the talk at one place they admitted that they only attacked Siva and that is Praveen’s plan and he sent one person to follow her and he found the address and some more people are going there to kidnap her along with her family and bring her to vij and marry her and then left me and went away and then I went to Siva Kumar and edited the whole video which I  recorded and  showed to him and he told sorry to me and then told to keep this video with u one copy and  still then pretend like u are on his side and tell the things going on and I told him that we need to save sahithyas family from those people and I will be on their side and make some arrangements and will help  u people to protect them and then went away and I will send some tools to u by someone and they are the latest technology things and give them to your people and they will help u ,tracking systems and gps systems and Google maps for escaping from them and be safe .I went away and reached Praveen and he asked what are u doing here ,I told that he insulted me and didn’t believe me and previous I am not on any ones side and now on your side  and then he told that I want u to go to Hyderabad along with others and bring sahithya we left to hyd and reached there and we first went to the collage she is studying and from there we found out the house address and her father’s office address but that house address got changed and at last from her father’s office we found out the address and then went there and as we entered we saw the bodies of two elder people and written the letter that because of these people they committed suicide and there is a photo in the hall with these people and then we thought of escaping from there and went away from there and informed Praveen the situation and he called someone there in hyd and asked to search every place in the hyd but in some where we noticed that some of our team members are missing and we informed this to Praveen and he told keep on searching and I will do what is needed here and then don’t know what happened people from different gangs are coming and joining us and we increased the search and we gave TV announcement but the people are calling and   telling different places and Praveen at last got angry and told us every one to come to vij and we will see here and he kidnapped the parents of some of my friends and called Siva and told that if u give sahithya I will hand over u your family and your friends family and then we planned to meet a one place and there come full of Siddhartha and some other collages came there to give support and along with Praveen there are a lot of people and then to a sudden the cars and bikes started to blast and every one of Praveen’s started to run and then Siva told that those people came here for your money but we friends are  going to do anything for the friend ship and we will save her and then Praveen came to attack on Siva Kumar and they both fought for some time and then Praveen is badly hurt and then some dialogues and then police came and arrested Praveen and took him in to custody and then after 2 days Siva went and showed the videos which I took and ,two in vij and another in hyd where the dead bodies were there and showed him and told that if I want I can show these to police but I don’t want my friend to fall in troubles and u will be jailed for kidnap case and from then onwards please try to be nice .and after some months sahithya got married to a ips officer and she went away to Delhi to the place where Praveen can’t reach and Praveen got changed  and he married one girl and he is happy but no one knows how the videos came how the dead bodies came and every adjustment in hyd ,which are done by me and till now some of my friends till feel that I am on Praveen’s side

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